To Decay Gallery is a part of our store in Norrköping, Sweden. This space are meant to show different kind of artist, painters or photographers work - a small space with a big heart. We aim to transform this space into different styles depending ono whats on show: 

Currently in the Gallery: Short Stories By Petra Loh. 

 Jag målar. Bilder. Stillbilder.
Berättelser om världen runt
omkring mig. Färger, former,
rörelser, rum mönster, flyktiga
ögonblick som jag fångar
med penna, pensel och färg.
Överallt ser jag nånting som
vill målas och medan jag målar
blir bilden sin egen berättelse
tills den säger att den är klar.
I Paint. Pictures. Still pictures.
Stories about the world
around me. Colours, shapes,
movements, room patterns,
fleeting moments that I capture
with pencil, brush and paint.
Everywhere I look I see something that
wants to be painted, and while I
paint, the picture becomes its
own story until it says it's done.